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Reschedule or Cancel a Game

ALL Division Team Managers

You can use this form to Reschedule a game AND to Cancel without rescheduling.
It is very important to complete this form AS SOON AS you determine that a game will not be played. Prompt notifications will alert  Umpires and Concessions that the game in time to make other arrangements if necessary.

How to Cancel / Reschedule a Game

If you are unable to play a game due to weather of an unavoidable hardship such as not having enough players, follow the steps below then complete and submit this form:


As soon as it is determined that a game is unplayable - Confer with the opposing team manager and decide on the earliest make-up date and time based on field availability. (Check official schedules by clicking the Schedules link at the top of the page.) Once a new prospective date and time has been agreed upon, decide which manager will complete and submit the form to the right. NOTE: You will need to include both team Managers' email so everyone is included in the subsequent email thread. ALSO -Waterloo and Geneva Teams communicate by phone so it is up to the Seneca Falls Manager to contact the Interleague Team once rescheduling is confirmed.

Wait for confirmation - This form will be sent to the Scheduling Coordinator, the Umpire Coordinator, and Concessions Coordinator.

 - The Umpire Coordinator will immediately notify umpires for the scheduled game and inform them that it is being cancelled.

 - The Scheduling Coordinator will confirm whether or not the date and time requested is available on the field requested. If the time slot is available, the Scheduling Coordinator will check with the Umpire Coordinator to confirm that umpires can be readied for the rescheduled game.

 - When all are confirmed, the Scheduling Coordinator will update the schedule and "Reply All" to the email to advise both managers, concessions and to confirm with the Umpire Coordinator.


Complete and Submit the Form - If you know that you are unable to play a game, but have not yet agreed upon a make up date, simply complete the form to the right and check "NO" for the question "Are You Ready to Reschedule Now?" 

That's It!
The Umpire Coordinator will receive the cancellation notice and call off the umpires for that game. Additionally, the scheduling coordinator will mark the game cancelled and concessions will be notified that there will be no game.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Game Cancel/Reschedule Request (#5)